World Bathing Day, June 22

A celebration of thermal hot springs water and the diverse rituals and cultural traditions associated with the act of bathing and cleansing.


World Bathing Day

Whether you operate a hot springs bathing facility or just love bathing, there’s many ways for you and your community to get involved.

On June 22, people around the planet are invited to celebrate humanity’s common connection to water through the practice of hot springs bathing. The simple act of immersing oneself in water has the power to break down barriers between people of different backgrounds and to bring communities closer together. At this time of great change, hot springs bathing reminds us of the interconnections between the wellbeing of our communities and the wellbeing of our planet.

Partner Organisations


Working together to make a difference

World Bathing Day's development is being nurtured by a diverse range of bathing organisations around the planet.

Here are some of our partners:

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